Pause and ponder

-Turning inward is the only way out.


-Let us go on journey within and allow our awareness to expand


-If we don’t go inside, we stay on outside.


-Have a taste of blissfulness


-Have you ever felt like you’re just a part of a bigger story that’s playing out before your very own eyes?

-All the things your mind thinks you should do, are just distractions for the one thing you must do.


-The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.”-Echart Tolle



“By training our mind to learn to observe, we start moving into a higher level of consciousness and remember who we truly are – deep at the level of our Soul.”
― Heidi M. Morrison (Heidi Morrison Teachings)


“To which extent you expand your consciousness, to the same extent you live your life.”
― Shiva Negi


“Life Is Meant To Realize Yourself as a Divine Being.”
― Shiva Negi


“Ultimate success in life comes not from achieving wealth, splendors, or higher position but from attaining higher levels of consciousness.”
― Debasish Mridha, MD


“When You Shift Your Consciousness, You Shift Your Reality”
― Syed Sharukh


“You will get what you focus on your consciousness.”
― Shiva Negi


“All great teachers, philosophers and prophets have a source of knowledge beyond their own. This is what you must seek to make a difference, knowledge beyond your own.”
― Shanna Star, Religion and the Plan it was Created For.
“You don’t have to do what you used to do just because you used to do it.”
― Shanna Star


“There’s nothing wrong with you choosing you.”
― Shanna Star


“Life is a manifestation of the unified field of consciousness. Colors, beauty, pleasure and pain are its songs of creation.”
― Amit Ray, Beautify your Breath – Beautify your Life


“The degree to which your Consciousness expands, is the degree to which you understand yourself and the universe.”
― Gina Charles


“Each person is a speck of consciousness that is attempting to awaken and return to its point of origin, to the source. That is life’s true journey and story.”
― Belsebuub, The Awakening of Perception: A Collection of Talks and Articles


“There is a knowledge that is beyond the mind and the intellect, it is the wisdom of consciousness.”
― Belsebuub


“To which extent you expand your consciousness, to the same extent you live your life.”
― Shiva Negi


“Consciousness is as simple as looking into the face of a flower and realizing a shared connection”
― Darla Luz, The Heart of Attention: Free yourself from stress, anxiety, and all inner conflict for good, creating a heart-felt life of perfection


“Meditation is a form of gardening: it weeds distractions and fertilizes consciousness so that your awareness grows.”
― Khang Kijarro Nguyen


“Every life has just two formats of living,
one is driven by emotions, and the other is driven by conscious thoughts!”
― Sudhir K.V, B4 Success…The Revolution Within : Develop Your Magi


“Ultimate success in life comes not from achieving wealth, splendors, or higher position but from attaining higher levels of consciousness.”
― Debasish Mridha, MD


“But mind is not all, for beyond mind is a greater consciousness.”
― Sri Aurobindo, Essays In Philosophy And Yoga


“When the engine dies, a car can’t fly. Such as when consciousness flies, a human being loses his “I.”
― Debasish Mridha


“Thoughts, intelligence, reason, logic often contribute to sins, but conscience never does.”
― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words


“Consciousness is the field of all possibilities.”
― Vivian Amis


“When You Shift Your Consciousness, You Shift Your Reality”
― Syed Sharukh


“Universe is like a soup of consciousness. Brain is just a receiver. Awareness is continuously transforming thoughts into matter.”
― Amit Ray, Enlightenment Step by Step


“A man’s best friend is his consciousness. In a nanosecond, his consciousness transforms him in what he wants to be.”
― Alan Maiccon


“Consciousness doesn’t emerge from matter because it has always been in matter. Consciousness is a fundamental quality that exists everywhere and in everything.”
― Steve Taylor, Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World


“Consciousness is the essence and evidence of life. Without consciousness, how can there be life?”
― Debasish Mridha


“In the process of becoming conscious beings, we eventually come back around again and again to the ideas of compassion, caring, and empathy.”
― Amy Leigh Mercree, A Little Bit of Meditation: An Introduction to Mindfulness


“Consciousness is who we really are; thoughts, feelings, and emotions are passing and temporary, but consciousness is existence.”
― Belsebuub


“Don’t try to understand consciousness. Just try to be deeply conscious and it will reveal its secret to you.”
― Debasish Mridha


“Consciousness makes you an unlimited being by giving the power of your imagination.”
― Debasish Mridha


“The level of consciousness defines the level of understanding and awareness.”
― Debasish Mridha


“When you are fully conscious, drama does not come into your life anymore.”
― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment


“We have many ways of creating our realities based on the different ways we perceive.”

― Zamm Zamudio


Paradise is not a place; it’s a state of consciousness.”
—Sri Chinmoy