Assess your consciousness

Assess your consciousness

If feasible, you can write out your three raised consciousness experiences (3-4 phrases or sentences each). This will help to relate to the questions in the following exercise.

Otherwise proceed directly to carryout following exercise.

A questionnaire below that we have put together, will help you to assess your level of consciousness.

Note: There is no particular order in sequence of these questions. To keep scoring simple, all questions carry equal weight even though all questions may not carry the same significance.


Answer the questions in a calm environment. Do not dwell on any particular question.

Add up your score (each yes answer-1, no answer-0))


Your total score is between 0 and 22. Higher is your score, the greater is your understanding of

Higher consciousness.

Reviewing your answers and score and total score gives you an opportunity to reflect on consciousness and your experience of consciousness.


1- Have you ever felt like you are just a part of a story that is playing out ?

2- Have you ever got a glimpse of coming future events/happenings?

3- Have you watched your thoughts as an observer i.e. you are the observer and there is a separate doer?

4- Have you ever felt that all constituents of the universe including your body cells are communicating with one another?

5- Have you ever felt one with the universe/creation?

6- Do you agree that thought cannot exist without consciousness, but consciousness does not need thought?

7- Have you ever met/thought about people who say very little and/or are incredible listeners?

8- Do you agree that you are not your body, you are not even your mind?

9- Have you ever felt a state beyond your mind? (shut off all your sense perceptions, and it’s still there — your awareness that is a state beyond your mind)

10- Have you ever felt a state of no mind? (State of “no mind” occurs when mind is not fixed or occupied by thought or emotion and thus open to everything)

11- Do you understand that pain and suffering are not the same?

12- Do you agree that the present moment is inevitable?

13- Can you fully be in the present moment?

14- Can you fully accept present circumstances (that would be the end of drama in your life)

15- Can you differentiate between “you can exist” and “you can live”? (Living is taking life as it comes, embracing it and feel happy and fulfilled. Existing is a long survival. Existing is you being here physically, doing what you have to do to get through the day)

16- Does the phrase “The secret of life is to die before you die” have meaning for you? (To die before you die, you must release attachment to everything in the physical world while maintaining bodily form. The purpose of this is to help you achieve a higher state of awareness)

17- Do you feel that you have a deep sense of purpose that needs to be fulfilled?

18- Have you ever experienced an identity crisis or being out of place?

19- Have you ever had vivid dreams about another life?

20- Have you ever experienced déjà vu moments? ( déjà vu is a French phrase translating literally to “already seen”. It is the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before.

21- Do you feel unlimited responsibility towards humanity and the eco system even though your actions may be limited?

22- Have you ever had a psychic/metaphysical experience or got involved in psychic/metaphysical phenomena?

List of psychic/metaphysical phenomena:

Apportation – The disappearance, or teleportation of an article from one place to another, or an appearance of an article from an unknown source. 

Astral projection or mental projection – The ability to voluntarily project an astral body or mental body, being associated with the out-of-body experience, in which one’s consciousness is felt to temporarily separate from the physical body.

Automatic writing – The ability to draw or write without conscious intent.

Clairvoyance– perceiving things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.

Divination – The ability to gain insight into a situation using occult lists.

Dowsing – The ability to locate water, sometimes using a tool called a dowsing rod.

Energy medicine – The ability to heal with one’s own empathic, etheric, astral, mental or spiritual energy.

HICE -human initiated contact with extraterrestrials

Intuition– It is the ability to know something without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and non-conscious parts of our mind.

Lucid dreaming– when you’re aware that you’re dreaming while you are asleep. In some cases, you may be able to control the dream’s storyline.

Levitation or transvection – The ability to float or fly by mystical means.

Kundalini awakening– Awakening of life force (serpentine energy) contained at the base of the spine. Once awoken, this enegy travels up the various energy centers (or chakras) of the body and into your crown chakra where higher consciousness is triggered. The result of this higher awareness is a greater understanding of one’s soul (or True Nature), life purpose, and the nature of reality itself.

Materialization — The creation or appearance of matter from unknown sources.

Mediumship or channeling – The ability to communicate with spirits.

Orbs– Spirits of dead as round flying objects or electromagnetic activity. Orbs are some of the most common haunting phenomena.

Precognition or premonition – The ability to perceive future events.

Poltergeist – a type of ghost or spirit that is responsible for physical disturbances, such as loud noises and objects being moved or destroyed

Psychic surgery – The ability to remove disease or disorder within or over the body tissue via an “energetic” incision that heals immediately afterwards.

Psychokinesis or telekinesis – The ability to influence a physical system without physical interaction. This typically manifests being able to exert force, control objects and move matter with one’s mind.

Post death communication– spiritual experience that takes place when a person is contacted directly and spontaneously by a family member or friend who has died

Psychometry or psychoscopy – The ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch.

Pyrokinesis – The ability to control flames, fire, or heat using one’s mind.

Ṛddhi – through Buddhist meditation.

Remote viewing, telesthesia or remote sensing – The ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception.

Retrocognition or postcognition – The ability to supernaturally perceive past events.

Telepathy – The ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally.

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