After wandering many years on Earth, I came to understand that our own spiritual or personal evolution is intrinsically intertwined with the evolution of others; therefore, we cannot evolve spiritually, personally, or economically if you we do not encourage and help others to accomplish similar goals in their lives. Vinesh is that person who taught us these lessons through his exemplary lifestyle and words of wisdom. 

A great brother has left us.  As he used to lead us on this earth, Vinesh will continue to guide us again. He is only taking the lead in the path of life, and he will be awaiting for us on the other side of the river of light, joy, and happiness.  

I am one of the countless people who have been blessed to cross his path in life and lucky enough to have received his gift of friendship.  

 Please, let remember him as the one who has never gave up and the seeker of light. As hard as the day  of  his crossing over to the other side  can be for us,  we do know that he would want us to be happy and to keep working hard to raise our consciousness.  

Let’s make him proud in the same way he did for us!!!


Jocelyn Sanon